Friday, December 9, 2011

OpenLDAP server Backup & Restore


To backup the entire LDAP database we can make use of the command slapcat. The slapcat command genetates a LDIF (LDAP Directory Interchange Format) file contianing the dump of entire LDAP database.

slapcat -v -l ldap-backup.ldif

The above command generates a backup file named ldap-backup.ldif in the current directory.

Without the -l option slapcat writes the content to standard output.

The slapcat command reads the ldap configuration file at the default location (/etc/openldap/slapd.conf) and takes the database dump. We can provide a LDAP configuartion file at a different location using -f option as given below.

slapcat -v -f /etc/openldap/slapd.conf -l ldap-backup.ldif


To restore the database from the earlier backup LDIF file we can use slapadd command.

slapadd -l ldap-backup.ldif 

In case files already exist in the LDAP database location we have to clear them before restoring using slapadd while retaining the DB_CONFIG file. The sample DB_CONFIG file should be in /etc/openldap/DB_CONFIG.example.

rm -fr /var/lib/ldap/*

Once the files are cleared you should be able to restore the database using slapadd given above. 

On successful completion of the restoration  restart the LDAP server.

service ldap restart

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